You’re enough


Umaima Irfan
Flash Insight Club
Published in
Apr 29, 2024


Amidst the doubts and fears that rise,
There’s a truth that never lies.
You are worthy, you are strong,
You belong, where you belong.

Embrace your flaws, they make you real,
Your strengths will guide you, make you feel.
Don’t compare or strive for more,
Your uniqueness shines, an endless store.

In the tapestry of life, you’re a thread,
Woven with purpose, not to be tread.
Remember, value, it’s not just a word,
You are enough, and you deserve to be heard.

So hold your head high, walk with pride,
You are special, something to confide.
For in the depths of your heart, you know,
That you are enough, let your spirit glow.

