

Umaima Irfan
Flash Insight Club
Published in
May 9, 2024


Liquid crystals from heavens above,
Quenching the thirst, filling all with love.
Its droplets, ethereal, a sparkling dance,
As it falls gently upon our trance.

The parched earth drinks deep its cool embrace,
Greenery blooms, reclaiming its place.
Nurturing life, a vital force,
Rain washes clean, bringing new remorse.

Roofs clatter with rhythmic delight,
As rain pours down with all its might.
Windows streak, a canvas of dreams,
Where fantasies swirl upon unseen gleams.

It whispers secrets, soft and clear,
A gentle lullaby, dispelling fear.
Its symphony fills the weary soul,
Calming the storms within, making hearts whole.

The sky weeps, releasing its ethereal tears,
Washing away sorrows, conquering all fears.
Rain, a blessing from the divine,
A source of renewal, a celestial sign.

